
Virgin Bitcoin Rock

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A Virgin Bitcoin Rock will be cracked (provably random selection) for the winner.

This is the first primary listing of a bitcoin rock anywhere since February 16.


Q: How many bitcoin rocks are there in existence?
A: 100. There will never be more.

Q: Is there a list of all official bitcoin rocks, so that I can avoid fake rocks and confirm mine is real?
A: Yes. The full list is inscribed here: https://ordinals.com/content/b52ca241a262736130a093d01e0f744b991c5c1a38605c387e3a12ba78d3dddbi0

Q: Is rock distribution provably random?
A: Yes. Once a virgin (never-before-owned) rock is purchased, we will use the hash of a future block once it is mined to randomly select your rock number.

Q: What is the random rock selection method?
A: //
1. choose future block #
2. once mined, take block hash
3. delete leading zeroes
4. take first 8 characters of HEX
5. convert to decimal
6. last 2 digits of the number string are the rock #
7. if that rock has already been claimed, go up by 1 until an unclaimed rock is found

This Lot Includes:

A randomly selected Bitcoin Rock

Starting Reserve Price: 10 BTC

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