
#161350 | Roots of Immutability - Block 1 [Hal Finney]

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100,000,000 sats


Block 1 pays tribute to Hal, showcasing the hash containing the first receiving transaction from Satoshi. Abstract art of this artifact relates to the dawning impact of ALS — a neurodegenerative disease that negatively impacted Finney’s health.

3 chapters of 7 ASCII loops with a maximum supply of 21 artifacts whilst each represents a seat on the board of a European based NGO - planned to be a DAO, and decides on the project direction. 9 Ordinal Loops already have owners.

Scarce City auction for this inscription will distribute 58% of the funds received to the ALS Association, furthering the research into the field.

This Lot Includes:

Inscription #161350

  • 1 of 1

Starting Reserve Price:

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