
Winning Bid

The Webmaster

900K sats


Make Offer

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If the seller accepts your offer, you'll receive instructions by email to pay the full offer in addition to shipping costs.


The Webmaster

July 21, 2022 7:14:48 PM UTC

900,000 sats

0.009 BTC

HFSP Whisky

July 21, 2022 7:14:49 PM UTC

800,000 sats

0.008 BTC

The Webmaster

July 21, 2022 6:17:16 PM UTC

700,000 sats

0.007 BTC

HFSP Whisky

July 21, 2022 3:44:23 PM UTC

600,000 sats

0.006 BTC


July 21, 2022 1:14:18 PM UTC

500,000 sats

0.005 BTC


July 21, 2022 1:12:32 PM UTC

400,000 sats

0.004 BTC


July 21, 2022 1:04:27 PM UTC

300,000 sats

0.003 BTC


July 21, 2022 12:52:18 PM UTC

200,000 sats

0.002 BTC

HFSP Whisky

July 20, 2022 10:09:31 AM UTC

100,000 sats

0.001 BTC


When it sells
Brokenness is broke
Riches are reached
Fields are filled
Cash is cashed

When it sells
Gains are gained
From buys and sells
Bit by bit
This trade is fair

When it sells
More are poured
I mean,
The coin is BTC

This Lot Includes:

Physical Artwork:

  • Materials: Oil on canvas
  • Dimensions: 24 inches by 36 inches No frame, and the painting will be ship in a roll plastic container to avoid damage


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