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Artist Bio

Born in 1999, in Okemesi, Ekiti and raise in Osogbo, Osun State Nigeria, Isaac Oluwatimileyin is a multifaceted artist who is surrounded with a myriad of skills. Isaac first discovered his love for art at a young age, drawing and painting in his spare time. He went on to study Arts & Design at Osun State Polytechnic Iree, where he honed his skills in various art forms, including painting and sculpture.

After completing his formal education, Isaac began exploring new mediums and techniques to push his artistic boundaries. It was during this time that he discovered Pepe/Bitcoin Arts, a unique blend of digital and traditional art.

Pepe Bitcoin painting involves creating art on physical canvas using traditional painting techniques, but with an added layer of digital artistry. Using a rare style, Isaac incorporates elements of cryptocurrency and digital art into their traditional paintings, creating one-of-a-kind pieces that blur the line between physical and digital art.

Isaac's work has been exhibited in galleries and art shows across the globe, with his paintings and sculptures attracting a wide audience. He is known for his bold use of color, intricate detailing, and unique style, which seamlessly blends traditional and digital art forms.

In addition to his artwork, Isaac is also an advocate for art education and has conducted workshops and talks to encourage young artists to pursue their passions.

Today, Isaac continues to create stunning works of art in various forms, pushing the boundaries of traditional art and exploring new mediums and techniques to express his creativity.


These two artworks presents a contrast between a single mother and another lady known as Pepe Swan. The single mother wakes up early and works hard to provide and care for her child. Despite having no support, she holds her head up and continues to fight for her child. Her struggles are many, but her love for her child keeps her strong.

On the other hand, the lady (Pepe Swan) is irresponsible and abusive towards single mothers. She parties all night and sleeps all day, leaving her child to fend for themselves in every way. She has no regard for the lives of others and only thinks of herself and her desires.

The single mother's love for her child is portrayed as a source of strength and hope that helps her cope with the challenges of being a single parent. The contrast between the two women highlights the importance of empathy, respect, and support for single mothers who are struggling to provide and care for their children.

The artwork invariably call upon people to learn from the single mother's plight. The single mothers deserve respect and love, and we should help them rise above challenges. The piece is a powerful reminder of the sacrifices and struggles of single mothers and the need for compassion and support. We must recognize their strengths and resilience.

1/1 Physical information
*Handmade oil painting on canvas, Framed
*Material: Oil paints, canvas, brushes, knife palette
* Height: 40 inches
*Width: 28 inches

1/1 Physical information
*Handmade oil painting on canvas, Framed
*Material: Oil paints, canvas, brushes, knife palette
* Height: 28 inches
*Width: 22 inches

Shipping info
*shipping duration 5-7 business days.


This Lot Includes:

Inscription #143246

  • 1/1

Inscription #143718

  • 1/1


  • Dank Rare
  • 100 Supply


  • 21 Supply

Physical Artwork:

  • Dimensions:
    • SINGLEMOM: 40 x 28 in. framed
    • MRSSWAN: 28 x 22 in. framed
  • Materials: Oil paints, canvas, brushes, knife palette
  • Weight: 3.5kg (each)

Starting Reserve Price: 5,000,000 sats (0.05 BTC)

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