
S19 Pro 110TH/s

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S19 Pro 110TH/s

22" x 22" Oil & oil based metallic on hand-stretched cotton canvas with 1.5" gallery bars.

In February 2020, Bitmain released the Antminer S19 Pro, one of the most powerful sovereignty securing machines ever created. With a hashrate of 110TH/s + 3%, and a power consumption of 3250W + 5%, it has an efficiency of 29.5±%5 J/TH, making the S19 Pro one of the most efficient bitcoin mining machines ever made.

Stamped with the PGP key fingerprint of Satoshi, clad with the raw hex version of the Genesis Block, this is my first piece in a series of designs I will be doing featuring bitcoin mining hardware.

The Japanese kanji says "Satoshi". The first character represents "wise, sage, philosopher", the second character represents "history, chronicle".

Vivant Reliquiae.

- Asanoha

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