
RenRare Stamps Complete Series 1

Winning Bid


300K sats


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June 29, 2023 7:32:46 PM UTC

300,000 sats

0.003 BTC


June 29, 2023 7:27:17 PM UTC

200,000 sats

0.002 BTC


June 29, 2023 1:23:57 PM UTC

100,000 sats

0.001 BTC

The entire first series of the Renaissance Rares collection has been stampified! This auction is for that complete set of 7 RenRare Stamps which are an official collection on RareStamp.xyz. Each piece was hand-made in the 24x24 pixel style. Also, each stamp has an issuance of 21 to go along with their matching counterparty tokens.

This Lot Includes:

A13173385455474290000 X 1

  • Bitcoin Stamps #7510
  • Supply: 21

A9939201597539550000 X 1

  • Bitcoin Stamps #7509
  • Supply: 21

A5033212166960144000 X 1

  • Bitcoin Stamps #13551
  • Supply: 21

A2348005945040100400 X 1

  • Bitcoin Stamps #13558
  • Supply: 21

A15725110978449570000 X 1

  • Bitcoin Stamps #14902
  • Supply: 21

A15613513984438942000 X 1

  • Bitcoin Stamps #14903
  • Supply: 21

A7878037433414800000 X 1

  • Bitcoin Stamps #16256
  • Supply: 21


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