
Mana from Heaven

Winning Bid

Eric Zhang

3.3M sats


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3,600,000 sats

0.036 BTC



3,500,000 sats

0.035 BTC



3,400,000 sats

0.034 BTC

Eric Zhang

June 5, 2021 8:38:50 PM UTC

3,300,000 sats

0.033 BTC

Dustin D. Trammell

June 5, 2021 7:01:57 PM UTC

3,100,000 sats

0.031 BTC


June 5, 2021 6:56:50 PM UTC

3,000,000 sats

0.03 BTC

Dustin D. Trammell

June 5, 2021 3:25:37 PM UTC

2,900,000 sats

0.029 BTC


June 5, 2021 3:38:33 AM UTC

2,800,000 sats

0.028 BTC


June 4, 2021 3:25:24 PM UTC

2,700,000 sats

0.027 BTC

Dustin D. Trammell

June 4, 2021 2:51:15 PM UTC

2,600,000 sats

0.026 BTC


June 4, 2021 12:18:59 PM UTC

2,500,000 sats

0.025 BTC

Dustin D. Trammell

June 4, 2021 10:10:23 AM UTC

2,100,000 sats

0.021 BTC


June 3, 2021 7:59:35 PM UTC

2,000,000 sats

0.02 BTC

Queens College NY

June 3, 2021 1:45:56 PM UTC

200,000 sats

0.002 BTC


June 3, 2021 1:43:41 PM UTC

100,000 sats

0.001 BTC

Human value is sacred

Bitcoin for me is the last bastion of humanity it could not have come at a more important time

As we surge forward into the digital age, power structures within our society are becoming increasingly centralised to a frightening degree

We are on the precipice of a total dystopic reality… now is the time for Bitcoin… it is literally heaven sent

In the top half is the genesis block… In the bottom half is Satoshi’s PGP key

This piece was inspired by The Emerald Tabet, another mysterious gift that was also said to contain the secrets of the universe


No.1 of an Edition of 4

Materials from Planet Earth:
Slate and Mana

50cm high 25cm wide 0.5-1cm deep

Weight: approx. 1 kgs

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