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This auction is for the custom framed physical artwork FAKECARDINAL as well as the Digital token.

FAKECARDINAL is the Series 11 FAKE RARES release by Los Angeles based Emblematix and the third release as part of their “Ritratto” series.

“Ritratto” is a study of Faces, their structure and anatomy and how human emotions are expressed through a painting, using classical and modern techniques and with Pepe as the subject of the Portraits.

Artwork is a digital and painted mixed media piece, printed on canvas, hand painted and sealed with an oil satin varnish. It is custom framed in a rich classical frame.

This Lot Includes:


  • Fake Rare Series 11
  • 169 Supply

Physical Artwork:

  • Dimensions: 18” x 24”
    • Framed: 24” x 30”


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