
#595488 | Hall Of Famers: Kobe Bryant

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Kobe Bryant (inscribed on 2009 sat) Hall of Fame Ordinal and Receipt with Kobe's signature

This collection is a Sub 600k 11 piece of 1/1 original signatures from Hall Of Famers & Oscar Winners that dined at the iconic Hollywood sushi restaurant. Each historical digital & physical collectibles are time stamped down to the day, date, and time of when these celebs dined and signed.

The physical original wet signature of its Ordinal will be given to its owner for free.

Here is the Magic Eden link: https://magiceden.io/ordinals/marketplace/hall-of-famers

This Lot Includes:

Physical Artwork:

  • Materials: Receipt with Kobe's signature

Digital Collectible

Inscription #595488

  • 1/1
  • Ordinal


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