
#296061 | The Feathered Serpent

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"Feathered Serpent: it represents the origin, the first ray of light that emerges to bring consciousness to awaken us, in an eternal cycle of renewal"

In this piece the artist seeks to somehow incorporate elements of Mesoamerican culture. Culture that left a legacy through their knowledge materialized in works and monuments that remain to this day, just as Satoshi did with bitcoin, like a seed planted in fertile soil, the creation of bitcoin has given rise to a blossoming of technologies with strong foundations as monuments that will endure for many years.

This piece is part of a series that consists of 3 pieces, this being the last to be created, hand-drawn and digitally colored. Why the number 3? In most of my drawings and paintings I have always tried to make a reference to the number 3 because these works were created in the epoch of the third halving.

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Inscription #296061

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